End of Season Update


This is the email I hate sending out.  The email to update us on closing things up....sigh...

But what a year it's been!  Some of you had your first races, some your first medals and some your first Head of the Charles rowing bow seat in a double with a partner who doesn't speak English!  From the opening dock day, this year had a feeling of being special and it was.  The weather in October was the best in recent history - Lots of flat water and warmer temps to prepare us for the challenges that we faced each weekend.  We were well prepared by our coaches - Greer & Matt - and judging by the smiles at Head of the Charles, I'm not sure we could have rowed any better.  Congratulations to EVERYONE!!!!!  And that's regardless if you rowed in any race.  There were members that just aren't into racing but were there to help make sure those who wanted to race were prepared.  I'm proud to be a member of this club!!!!

Dock Day - 

The last Dock Day of 2013 is upon us and will be this Saturday from 9am - Noon.  We will be moving hulls from Somerville to Malden - this will require 2 trips.  We will also need to pull the white launch out of the water and clean up the boathouse.  It looks like we will not be painting oars this weekend - I haven't had a chance to get the paint but we will put the collars on the new oars and hang them on the racks.  They'll be ready for use in 2014!!!!

Erg Rentals - 

As I mentioned, we are renting the ergs out again this year.  If you are interested, please go to Regatta Central and you can sign up there to rent them.  We have 15 ergs that we are renting out and it's a great way to stay in shape over the winter.  The cost is $150 for the winter and you can either pay that via credit card on Regatta Central or via check, but you will need to reserve one on Regatta Central.  The exact return date is TBD but early March is when we'll need the back for the start of the youth rowing season.  And renting an erg is a great way to prepare for the CRASH-B's!

Winter Training - 

A number of you have asked about organized winter training.  We're working on it and will inform you as soon as we have a plan.  We're looking at setting up workouts at St. Ann's as well as days/times where the club can do the stairs at Harvard Stadium and such.  The training you do now will make you better for 2014.  It's also important to take some time off to refocus for next year.  As soon as we have the plan, we will let you know.

Flatbread - 

THANK YOU!!!!  I don't have the final totals yet, but it looks like the benefit night did very well.  The folks at Flatbread informed me that they haven't been this busy for a benefit night in a long time.  We really made them work.  One of their employees told me how tired his arms were from making pizzas!  You got the word out and people responded.  There was a constant flow of take out orders and folks eating in.  Thanks again for spreading the news and making last night a success!!!!

Race Fees - 

I will be sending out an update on race fees before dock day.  If you owe race fees, please bring a check with you to dock day.  I will send an email out with the spreadsheet of who owes what to those who owe money.

December Row - 

Yes, we will be doing the December Row.  The date for this is December 7th.  What are we doing?  We're putting boats on the water so we can say we rowed in December!  We'll need some volunteers to cox.  More information on this will follow.

Facebook & Twitter - 

In case you didn't know, we are on Facebook and Twitter....here's how you can find us on both...

Facebook - Search for "Gentle Giant Rowing Club"  A lot of information is posted here for events and other rowing related information.  We will be switching this to a Fan Page this winter.

Twitter - our handle is gentlegiantrc.  Follow us.

Social Events - 

A few folks have asked about getting together in the winter to have a night together with your teammates.  So we'll be doing that.  Fred & Judith will once again be hosting a party in December.  There was a request for a GGRC night out bowling so we'll pick a date for that.  We also had a request for a pot luck as well and we'll set that up.  We'll keep you informed.

Rowing in France - 

One of the evening rowers took part in a rowing rally in France.  Basically rowing about 26ish miles a day down canals.  I'm going to contact the organization running it for more details and I will keep the club informed on what I find out.  Here's the link to the rally.  http://atppr.free.fr/Page%20anglais.html  It sounded and looks like a lot of fun and how cool would it be to see GGRC Uni's rowing down canals in France???

That's it for now.  Take the time to rest a bit and then start back up with the training!  Get up 15 minutes early and do some core work.  Get out there and run, erg, or bike.  Anything you do now will help make you faster in 2014!!!!!

Thank you again for being you.  It's because of you that I'm proud to be a part of GGRC!!!!

Go Giants!